Pryor Latest News

15 years at Pryor for Jack Wilkinson

Jack Wilkinson is our Fitting Shop Team Leader, and is celebrating his 15th year at Pryor's. Jack oversees the production of Standard Products (Pryor Machines) and Special Machinery (Pryor Solutions). We asked him about his time with us "Interesting and varied - you can’t get bored easily. With the Special Machinery...

The Spirit of Pryor

With perfect timing, 1849 came along during a golden age of innovation, industrial expansion and the founding of Edward Pryor and Son: Purveyors of Marking stamps to “Little Mester” workshops, already famous Cutlery Companies and the burgeoning engineering factories that filled the Steel City of Sheffield. For context: Young Queen...

25 Years at Pryor for David Ray

We’ve had 25 years of the wonderful David Ray at Pryor Marking Technology so we asked him our classic questions What’s your role in the company? I have been the Technical Director for the last 12 years. I lead the Pryor technical team. We develop new products and design the custom marking...

Label Laser Marking Systems for Modern Automotive Traceability

Introduction: Pryor have become a trusted leader in delivering complex and reliable marking systems within the automotive industry. These have ranged from Robotic and Manipulator based VIN Marking Systems for OEMs, to integrated high speed marking systems for the Automotive supply chain. More recently, we have developed and delivered a number...

Industry 4.0

The term "Industry 4.0", commonly referred to as the "fourth industrial revolution", describes the incorporation of cutting-edge technology into conventional industrial processes, including robotics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, Big Data and the Internet of Things (IoT). This integration attempts to improve manufacturing and other industries' productivity, efficiency, and innovation. Industry 4.0's...

What are the advantages of laser marking?

Laser marking, the process of using lasers to engrave or mark surfaces, has gained widespread popularity due to its numerous advantages over traditional marking methods. This technique is employed for various applications, including adding human-readable information for traceability, incorporating 2D codes to provide additional data on products, or simply marking...

Traceability in Manufacturing

  Traceability in manufacturing is more than just a process; it's a fundamental aspect that underpins the efficiency, quality, and compliance of a production line. In this blog post, we'll delve into the concepts of traceability and its crucial role in the manufacturing and production landscape. We'll explore what traceability is,...